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This game took me 3 different times to beat because of my teacher's closing the tab, but It's an epic game and this is a great addition to the Soldier Of The Homeland series.

Could yall make an alone in the evil space base 2? It's my favorite game yall made. Thanks,

10/10 Highly recommend 

Thank you.

10 out of 10 game, reminds me of conflict desert storm

Thank you.

yeah game is real cool

Thank you.

Soldier of sahara

Great game!


Thank you.

Really nice game! I was impressed by the visual quality. However, deep in the bunker, when crossing a bridge with boxes, while an enemy was walking on a beam above, a crash happened, crashing the game :-(

Second playthrough it did not happen, finished the game. Nice effort! Btw, regarding the crash, second time I did not allow the soldier on the beam to walk that far, killed him sooner, not sure if that prevented the bug from happening.

Thank you.

Oh, I actually copy/pasted the crashdump here, but apparently it's gone now ...